In Blog

I recently attended a production of the musical, Shrek, at the school where my boys attend. The cast was made up of students, parents, teachers and children. It was a powerful evening, both for the audience and cast. The 17-year old senior cast as Shrek was fantastic from the opening scene – as he and the cast took us on an adventure-filled journey.

Shrek saw himself as an unwanted outcast and, as a result, he sought to distance himself from society. His heart had become hardened toward others. While he had physical power and was intimidating, he was lonely and filled with self-doubt. He had it bad growing up.

When Shrek’s land is invaded by a community of outcasts sent by Lord Farquaad, Shrek pays him visit. He makes a deal with Lord Farquaad to slay the dragon and rescue Princess Fiona so the Lord can marry her and become king. In return, Shrek gets the outcasts off his land for good and can return to his life of isolation.

Shrek befriends a talking donkey, and the two create an alliance. They set out to rescue the Princess, who has also had it bad. She has her own issues, as well.

The story of Shrek is similar to many of our own stories. Like Shrek, none of us is perfect. We all have had it bad at one time or another and, just when we need a friend the most, a donkey comes along. It’s easy for us to see others like Princess Fiona, living high in their towers, and forget that they have probably had it bad in their own way. Even Lord Farquaad, who uses others for his own gain and pretends to be tough, has his own “short” comings.

It was a magical experience to watch the story unfold, and it reminded me how powerful art is. The cast, crew and audience were united in Shrek’s journey from loneliness and isolation, to love and a sense of community.

Shrek, like many of us at some point in our lives, has had it bad and felt like an outsider. Like the character Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, Shrek is given the gift of grace and decides to make his life about something different in order to give and receive love, embrace life and serve others.

Magic can happen when we come together and experience a story like Shrek. I think the cast and the audience left the show with a different perspective on life, and maybe a little more love in our hearts.

Regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves, Shrek reminds us that we, too, can choose to live a life about what matters to us. Shrek chose love, service and involvement.  Not a bad lesson from an ugly ogre.

I encourage you to support the arts in your community. And, to the cast, director, crew and volunteers at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School . . .



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