In Blog

Perfection is defined as “the act of making something perfect or better”.

Party on the Moon® recently preformed for the Lexus luxury car company. They were celebrating the roll-out of their 2014 models. The guest list included past and present Lexus owners and was presented by the Flow Lexus dealership of North Carolina. It was very impressive; every element of the party was top flight. The setting was the BBT Baseball Park in Winston Salem, North Carolina. The decor and catering were just fantastic.

The sales staff from the dealership was very gracious. They have a great product, and you could tell the pride they had when they talked with the guests. I have friends who own Lexus automobiles, and many of them say “I wouldn’t drive anything else”.

I love the slogan for Lexus . . .”The Pursuit of Perfection.” Like Lexus, all of our National Party Bands™ are dedicated to creating the perfect show for our clients. It’s a very high goal – we love what we do, and I enjoy the act of making the show better.

The Lexus show reminded me once again how much quality is important. Sometimes, we take quality for granted until it’s gone. I believe people love quality and will seek it out.

There are many areas in our lives where we can choose quality, and give quality products, time and service to our business, friends and family. I encourage you to think of the ways you can give more quality, and receive more quality, in your life. We may not make it to perfection, but we can certainly make it our goal.

Here’s to the pursuit!
